Author name: Fibrebond WebAdmin


Fibrebond Power: Hybrid Enclosure Solutions for your power center demands

Concrete and steel are the essential building blocks of modern construction projects, with unique strengths and weaknesses attributed to both. When combined, the advantages of one balances the weaknesses of the other, resulting in structures with maximum strength and resiliency. Power enclosures are ideal candidates for this hybrid design because of their unique requirements: they […]

Fibrebond Power: Hybrid Enclosure Solutions for your power center demands Read More »


Steel vs concrete, how they stack up against the elements part 2

STEEL VS CONCRETE, HOW THEY STACK UP AGAINST THE ELEMENTS PART 2 Equipment housing for telecommunications and power companies is a critical component of both industries. New housing and emergency maintenance requires a reliable and cost-effective product that can be up-and-running quickly. The chosen product should also be resilient, to save time and money on

Steel vs concrete, how they stack up against the elements part 2 Read More »


Steel vs concrete, how they stack up against the elements

Sed accumsan sit amet odio vitae ullamcorper. Nulla sed libero sapien. Mauris feugiat, odio vitae accumsan facilisis, purus ante placerat ex, dapibus sagittis purus nisl in dolor. Duis egestas magna a nulla placerat, vel laoreet quam semper. Pellentesque rhoncus, nunc quis sodales dignissim, mi felis hendrerit libero, nec cursus magna arcu ac eros. Maecenas eget vulputate arcu, ut consectetur dolor. Nullam euismod diam sit amet faucibus dapibus. Vivamus sollicitudin non odio non euismod. Praesent euismod, ligula in suscipit ornare, urna nibh volutpat massa, a placerat est nisi ut risus. Cras tincidunt nunc lacus, ac elementum nisi consectetur a. Integer sem ipsum, tempor sit amet nibh id, scelerisque porta lectus. Phasellus sapien odio, condimentum sit amet quam nec, laoreet iaculis dui. Donec pellentesque euismod vulputate.

Steel vs concrete, how they stack up against the elements Read More »